• FedRAMP Baseline Membership RA-2:
  • LOW
  • HIGH
FedRAMP Bracketology

Use the FedRAMP Control Membership information above to determine if a control or control enhancement is required for each Impact Baseline — LOW, MODERATE, or HIGH

Click on the panel below each control or control enhancement to review the FedRAMP Impact Baseline-specific control configuration requirements for each of the [BRACKETS] in each control and/or control enhancement.

Review and use Additional Requirements and Guidance to build FedRAMP-compliant controls for your risk-based cybersecurity program.

To change the baseline view in the panel, click on LOW, MODERATE, or HIGH when the panel is open

Panels only appear where there are [BRACKETS] in the control or enhancement or where there is FedRAMP-specific requirements or guidance available.

The organization:

    • a. Categorizes information and the information system in accordance with applicable federal laws, Executive Orders, directives, policies, regulations, standards, and guidance;
    • b. Documents the security categorization results (including supporting rationale) in the security plan for the information system; and
    • c. Ensures that the authorizing official or authorizing official designated representative reviews and approves the security categorization decision.


Clearly defined authorization boundaries are a prerequisite for effective security categorization decisions. Security categories describe the potential adverse impacts to organizational operations, organizational assets, and individuals if organizational information and information systems are comprised through a loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability. Organizations conduct the security categorization process as an organization-wide activity with the involvement of chief information officers, senior information security officers, information system owners, mission/business owners, and information owners/stewards. Organizations also consider the potential adverse impacts to other organizations and, in accordance with the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 and Homeland Security Presidential Directives, potential national-level adverse impacts. Security categorization processes carried out by organizations facilitate the development of inventories of information assets, and along with CM-8, mappings to specific information system components where information is processed, stored, or transmitted.




  • FIPS Publication 199
  • NIST Special Publication 800-30
  • NIST Special Publication 800-39
  • NIST Special Publication 800-60