FedInvent™ Patents

New Taxpayer Funded Patents for Tuesday, January 24, 2006 

This page was updated on Sunday, March 26, 2023 at 08:00 PM GMT

FedInvent analyzed 53 taxpayer-funded patents this week.

On Tuesday, January 24, 2006, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) granted 53 taxpayer-funded patents; including 45 patents containing government interest statements and 16 patents where federal government agencies were an assignee or applicant. Together, 53 patents granted this week are the result of US government-funded research & development.

Learn More About Taxpayer Funded Patents Here

The List of This Week's Patents

Just a list — patent number with a link and the title, for those patentistas who like to browse.

About The Icons On the List Below

  • The icon takes you to the full text version of the patent at USPTO;
  • The icon takes you to the PDF version of the patent at USPTO; and
  • The icon takes you to the details about the patent on the FedInvent Details page.
  • When you use the icon the patent you are interested appears at the top of the list on the details page.
Patent Title
001 06988305
Method and apparatus for blow molding large reinforced plastic parts 
002 06988394
Apparatus and method of portable automated biomonitoring of water quality 
003 06988402
Mobile monolithic polymer elements for flow control in microfluidic devices 
004 06988415
Method and apparatus for identifying, locating and quantifying physical phenomena and structure including same 
005 06988450
Anti-personnel ammunition 
006 06988540
Solid buffer rods in high temperature heat exchanger 
007 06989086
Channel-less separation of bioparticles on a bioelectronic chip by dielectrophoresis 
008 06989129
Automated capillary liquid chromatography small volume analysis system 
009 06989146
Stress proteins and peptides and methods of use thereof 
010 06989234
Method and apparatus for non-contact electrostatic actuation of droplets 
011 06989237
Capillary array and related methods 
012 06989245
Screening, diagnostic and therapeutic methods relating to RIZ 
013 06989248
Methods of use of compounds which inhibit the stem cell signaling pathway 
014 06989252
Hydrogen production using hydrogenase-containing oxygenic photosynthetic organisms 
015 06989254
Direct encapsulation of biomacromolecules in surfactant templated mesoporous and nanoporous materials 
016 06989256
Subfamily of RNA helicases which are modulators of the fidelity of translation termination and uses thereof 
017 06989261
Butyrylcholinesterase variant polypeptides with increased catalytic efficiency and methods of use 
018 06989263
Method for identifying and using compounds that inactivate HIV-1 and other retroviruses by attacking highly conserved zinc fingers in the viral nucleocapsid protein 
019 06989264
Methods for generating high titer helper-free preparations of released recombinant AAV vectors 
020 06989265
Bacteria with reduced genome 
021 06989275
Cyanine dyes as labeling reagents for detection of biological and other materials by luminescence methods 
022 06989276
Rapid classification of biological components 
023 06989362
Methods of treating dopamine dysregulation using agents that regulate phosphorylation/dephosphorylation in dopamine signaling 
024 06989370
Bacteriocins and novel bacterial strains 
025 06989375
Enhanced expression of transgenes 
026 06989376
Methods for increasing blood cytidine and/or uridine levels and treating cytidine-dependent human diseases 
027 06989377
Treating vitamin D responsive diseases 
028 06989386
Pharmaceutically active ornithine derivatives, ammonium salts thereof and methods of making same 
029 06989387
Nitro and amino substituted topoisomerase agents 
030 06989396
Tropane alkaloid multidrug resistance inhibitors from Erythroxylum pervillei and use of the same 
031 06989433
Low stress conformal coatings of reliability without hermeticity for microelectromechanical system based multichip module encapsulation 
032 06989443
Carboranylporphyrins and uses thereof 
033 06989556
Metal oxide compound semiconductor integrated transistor devices with a gate insulator structure 
034 06989575
Formation of arrays of microelectronic elements 
035 06989619
Rotor apparatus for high strength undiffused brushless electric machine 
036 06989629
Method and apparatus for debris mitigation for an electrical discharge source 
037 06989674
Advanced slow-magic angle spinning probe for magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy 
038 06989730
Adjustable toroidal magnet 
039 06989749
Electronic check out system 
040 06989795
Line-replaceable transmit/receive unit for multi-band active arrays 
041 06989799
Antenna assembly including a dual flow rotating union 
042 06989831
Method for simulating multi-layer obscuration from a viewpoint 
043 06989842
System and method of integrating live video into a contextual background 
044 06990135
Distributed bragg reflector for optoelectronic device 
045 06990167
Image reconstruction method for divergent beam scanner 
046 06990224
Method and system for communicating and matching electronic files for financial transactions 
047 06990239
Feature-based detection and context discriminate classification for known image structures 
048 06990350
Optical wireless networks with adjustable topologies 
049 06990360
Pattern detection using the Bragg Effect at RF frequencies 
050 06990369
Probe using diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy 
051 06990436
Computing frequency by using generalized zero-crossing applied to intrinsic mode functions 
052 06990634
Method of summarizing text by sentence extraction 
053 RE38947
Method of enantioselectively catalyzing a reaction 

Up to Start Of Table

Patent Count By Department

This is the count of taxpayer-funded patents granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) this week. These patents contain a Government Interest Statement in the body of the patent document or are patents where the government is an assignee. Agency numbers are aggregated by the agency named in the Government Interests Statement and the contract number cited in the government interest section of the patent.

Department This Week This Year
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 21 67
Department of Defense (DOD) 15 100
Department of Energy (DOE) 8 52
Department of Commerce (DOC) 3 8
Department of Agriculture (USDA) 1 5
Federal Reserve Bank (FED) 1 1
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 1 8
National Security Agency (NSA) 1 3
Government Rights Acknowledged 2 9

Patents By Funding Agency

FedInvent Patents are patents funded by US taxpayers. Taxpayer-funded patents have Government Interest Statements in the body of the patent or are patents where an agency of the US federal government has retained the title to the patent and is listed as an assignee. The presence of a government interest statement, as required by the Bayh-Dole Act, indicates the holder of a federal contract, grant, or cooperative research agreement has elected to retain the title of inventions conceived and reduced to practice during that contract.

About The Icons On the List Below

  • The icon takes you to the full text version of the patent at USPTO;
  • The icon takes you to the PDF version of the patent at USPTO; and
  • The icon takes you to the details about the patent on the FedInvent Details page.
  • When you use the icon the patent you are interested appears at the top of the list on the details page.

Click the Panel to See The Patents for Each Agency

Take Me To The Details
Patent Title
001 06989129
Automated capillary liquid chromatography small volume analysis system 
002 06989146
Stress proteins and peptides and methods of use thereof 
003 06989237
Capillary array and related methods 
004 06989245
Screening, diagnostic and therapeutic methods relating to RIZ 
005 06989248
Methods of use of compounds which inhibit the stem cell signaling pathway 
006 06989254
Direct encapsulation of biomacromolecules in surfactant templated mesoporous and nanoporous materials 
007 06989256
Subfamily of RNA helicases which are modulators of the fidelity of translation termination and uses thereof 
008 06989261
Butyrylcholinesterase variant polypeptides with increased catalytic efficiency and methods of use 
009 06989263
Method for identifying and using compounds that inactivate HIV-1 and other retroviruses by attacking highly conserved zinc fingers in the viral nucleocapsid protein 
010 06989264
Methods for generating high titer helper-free preparations of released recombinant AAV vectors 
011 06989265
Bacteria with reduced genome 
012 06989275
Cyanine dyes as labeling reagents for detection of biological and other materials by luminescence methods 
013 06989362
Methods of treating dopamine dysregulation using agents that regulate phosphorylation/dephosphorylation in dopamine signaling 
014 06989375
Enhanced expression of transgenes 
015 06989376
Methods for increasing blood cytidine and/or uridine levels and treating cytidine-dependent human diseases 
016 06989377
Treating vitamin D responsive diseases 
017 06989386
Pharmaceutically active ornithine derivatives, ammonium salts thereof and methods of making same 
018 06989387
Nitro and amino substituted topoisomerase agents 
019 06989396
Tropane alkaloid multidrug resistance inhibitors from Erythroxylum pervillei and use of the same 
020 06990167
Image reconstruction method for divergent beam scanner 
021 06990369
Probe using diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy 

Up to Start Of Table

Take Me To The Details

Department of Defense (DOD) Agencies

Patent Title

Department of the ARMY (DOA)

Patent Title
001 06988394
Apparatus and method of portable automated biomonitoring of water quality 
002 06988450
Anti-personnel ammunition 
003 06988540
Solid buffer rods in high temperature heat exchanger 
004 06989556
Metal oxide compound semiconductor integrated transistor devices with a gate insulator structure 
005 06989730
Adjustable toroidal magnet 
006 06990350
Optical wireless networks with adjustable topologies 
007 06990360
Pattern detection using the Bragg Effect at RF frequencies 

Department of the Navy (DON) | United States Marine Corps (USMC)

Patent Title
001 06989749
Electronic check out system 
002 06989795
Line-replaceable transmit/receive unit for multi-band active arrays 
003 06989799
Antenna assembly including a dual flow rotating union 
004 06989831
Method for simulating multi-layer obscuration from a viewpoint 
005 06990239
Feature-based detection and context discriminate classification for known image structures 

Department of the Air Force (DAF)| United States Space Force (USSF)

Patent Title
001 06989234
Method and apparatus for non-contact electrostatic actuation of droplets 
002 06989433
Low stress conformal coatings of reliability without hermeticity for microelectromechanical system based multichip module encapsulation 
003 06990350
Optical wireless networks with adjustable topologies 

Up to Start Of Table

Emerging Technology

Emerging Climate Change Technologies

Patents containing 'Y" CPC symbols indicate emerging climate change and clean technology inventions.

About The Icons On the List Below

  • The icon takes you to the full text version of the patent at USPTO;
  • The icon takes you to the PDF version of the patent at USPTO; and
  • The icon takes you to the details about the patent on the FedInvent Details page.
  • When you use the icon the patent you are interested appears at the top of the list on the details page.

About Y Emerging Technology Symbols

Patent documents that contain a Y02 or Y04 CPC symbol are already classified elsewhere. USPTO adds the Y symbols to the classification data to monitor new technological developments covering clean technology and inventions impacting climate change, important American science and technology interests.

Y02 — Green House Gas Mitigation

Y02 covers selected technologies, that control, reduce, or prevent anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), in the framework of the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, and technologies that allow adapting to the adverse effects of climate change. Y02A covers technologies for adaptation to climate change, — technologies that allow adapting to the adverse effects of climate change in human, industrial (including agriculture and livestock), and economic activities. Y02P covers climate change mitigation technologies in any kind of industrial processing or production activity, including the agroalimentary industry (relating to agriculture and food), agriculture, fishing, ranching and the like.

Y04 — Enabling Technologies

Y04 is focused on the information and communications inventions that facilitate climate change technology. Y04S covers systems integrating technologies related to power network operation, communication, or information technologies for improving electrical power generation, transmission, distribution, management, or usage. Examples of the art covered here are technologies related to smart grids, home appliances, and systems supporting the interoperability of electric or hybrid vehicles.

The Health Complex

This section contains the count of patents funded by The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) organized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) institute; and HHS subagencies including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and others. These agencies together are called the Health Complex.

Department | Agency This Week This Year
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)2167
National Institutes of Health (NIH)1959
National Cancer Institute (NCI)25
National Research Service Award (NRSA)11
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)11
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)12

Up to Start Of Table

Higher Education Research and Development (HERD)

FedInvent follows the HERD the Higher Education Research and Development institutions — the colleges and universities; research institutions, and medical schools that benefit from federal funding and rely on it to make important discoveries that drive American innovation. Taxpayer-funded patents coming from American and sometimes foreign universities are an important indicia of the vitality of the American innovation ecosphere.


The National Science Foundation (NSF) Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Survey is the primary source of information on R&D expenditures at 916 US colleges and universities that expended at least $150,000 in separately accounted for R&D in the fiscal year. We use the NSF list to keep track of which colleges and universities are receiving taxpayer-funded patents and filing patent applications.


We're working on our data analytics and will be reporting taxpayer-funded patents and patent applications shortly. In the meantime, FedInvent will post interesting information about the HERD Innovation Ecosphere here.

Top Ten Universities By R&D Expenditures
  1. Johns Hopkins University
  2. University of Michigan
  3. University of Washington
  4. University of California, San Diego
  5. University of California, San Francisco
  6. Columbia University in the City of New York
  7. Stanford University
  8. University Pittsburgh
  9. University Pennsylvania
  10. Duke University

Count By Tech Center

Patents organized by count and Technology Center where the patent was examined.

Tech Center Count
1600 Biotechnology and Organic Chemistry 24
2800 Semiconductors, Electrical and Optical Systems and Components 14
2600 Communications 7
1700 Chemical and Materials Engineering 3
3700 Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing, Gaming and Medical Devices/Processes 3
2100 Computer Architecture Software and Information Security 1
3600 Transportation, Electronic Commerce, Construction, Agriculture, Licensing and Review 1

For more information on the types of inventions examined in each Technology Center, see the About Tech Centers section of this page.

Patents By Scientific Domain.

This section contains the number of patents by high level scientific and technical domain. The data is arranged by the first Cooperative Patent Classification System (CPC) patent symbol assigned to the patent. This indicates the scope and nature of the invention for a patent or a patent application.

Global patent offices use patent classification as their lingua franca — the common language — for exchanging information about inventions and what scientific and technical art a patent contains. The classifications assigned to a patent are used by patent examiners to find prior art and to determine if a particular patent's claims are novel. Patent classifications are also used for global enforcement of patent rights, treaties, and agreements.

Class Class Definition First
USPC 435 Chemistry: Molecular biology and microbiology 11 0
USPC 514 Drug, bio-affecting and body treating compositions 8 0
USPC 073 Measuring and testing 3 0
USPC 257 Active solid-state devices 2 0
USPC 343 Communications: Radio wave antennas 2 0
USPC 345 Computer graphics processing and selective visual display systems 2 0
USPC 382 Image analysis 2 0
USPC 436 Chemistry: Analytical and immunological testing 2 0
USPC 455 Telecommunications 2 0
USPC 540 Organic compounds 2 0
USPC 029 Metal working 1 0
USPC 102 Ammunition and explosives 1 0
USPC 165 Heat exchange 1 0
USPC 204 Chemistry: Electrical and wave energy 1 0
USPC 310 Electrical generator or motor structure 1 0
USPC 313 Electric lamp and discharge devices 1 0
USPC 324 Electricity: Measuring and testing 1 0
USPC 335 Electricity: Magnetically operated switches, magnets, and electromagnets 1 0
USPC 340 Communications: Electrical 1 0
USPC 372 Coherent light generators 1 0
USPC 378 X-ray or gamma ray systems or devices 1 0
USPC 422 Chemical apparatus and process disinfecting, deodorizing, preserving, or sterilizing 1 0
USPC 424 Drug, bio-affecting and body treating compositions 1 0
USPC 528 Synthetic resins or natural rubbers 1 0
USPC 600 Surgery 1 0
USPC 702 Data processing: Measuring, calibrating, or testing 1 0
USPC 715 Data processing: Presentation processing of document, operator interface processing, and screen saver display processing 1 0

Up to Start Of Table

Count of Inventors by Country and U.S. State

Patent count by country and state based on the location information of first named inventors and of all inventors on the patent.

Country First Named Inventors All Inventors
United States of America 53 146
Russian Federation 0 13
Argentina 0 1
Hungary 0 1
India 0 1
Netherlands 0 1
U.S. State First Named Inventors All Inventors
California 8 28
Maryland 8 21
Massachusetts 4 9
New Jersey 4 9
New York 4 9
Wisconsin 3 7
Pennsylvania 2 11
Texas 2 7
Idaho 2 4
Michigan 2 4
Florida 2 2
Georgia 2 2
Tennessee 2 2
Washington 1 9
Illinois 1 3
New Hampshire 1 3
Virginia 1 3
Indiana 1 2
Minnesota 1 2
North Carolina 1 2
Connecticut 1 1
Colorado 0 3
District of Columbia 0 1
New Mexico 0 1
Utah 0 1

Up to Start Of Table

Count of Assignees and Applicants by Country and U.S. State

Patent count by country and state based on location information of Assignees and Applicants.

Country Assignees Applicants
United States of America 540
Russian Federation 10
U.S. State Assignees Applicants
District of Columbia 110
California 70
New York 50
Massachusetts 40
New Jersey 30
Wisconsin 30
Georgia 20
Idaho 20
Maryland 20
Michigan 20
Pennsylvania 20
Washington 20
Arizona 10
Illinois 10
Indiana 10
Minnesota 10
Missouri 10
New Hampshire 10
North Carolina 10
Tennessee 10
Texas 10

Up to Start Of Table

Technology Center Explainer

How Tech Centers and Art Units Are Organized And Why It Matters

Patents travel from Technology Center to Art Unit to Group Art Unit to Patent Examiner.

The USPTO's patent corps is organized into Technology Centers (TCs), groups of patent examiners with specific scientific and technical domain expertise. Technology Centers are further divided into Art Units (AUs) organized by major types of inventive art within a scientific or technical domain. Art Units are organized into Group Art Units, even more specialized and granular teams of examiners.

Group Art Units (GAUs) are where patent examiners prosecute patent applications. Patent applications are docketed to examiners based on specific subject matter classifications of a particular GAU.

Understanding Technology Centers, Art Units, and Group Art Units helps you understand what type of inventions are being prosecuted within each scientific and technical domain, how long it takes from the date a patent application is filed to the time a final decision on the patentability of the invention is made.

Technology Centers and Art Units

Click or touch the accordion panel to open it and see the way different types of inventions are grouped together within Art Units.

Patents examined here cover:

Art Unit Technical & Scientific Domains
1610 Organic Compounds: Bio-affecting, Body Treating, Drug Delivery, Steroids, Herbicides, Pesticides, Cosmetics, and Drugs
1620 Organic Chemistry
1630 Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Nucleic Acids, Recombinant DNA and RNA, Gene Regulation, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Animals and Plants, Combinatorial/ Computational Chemistry
1640 Immunology, Receptor/Ligands, Cytokines Recombinant Hormones, and Molecular Biology
1650 Fermentation, Microbiology, Isolated and Recombinant Proteins/Enzyme
1660 Plants

About Plant Patents

Plant Patents are granted to an inventor who has invented, or discovered and asexually reproduced a distinct and new variety of plant, other than a tuber propagated plant or a plant found in an uncultivated state. If you've ever eaten a pluot, you've enjoyed the fruit of a plant patent.

Plant patent numbers begin with a "PP" followed by a five digit number. The first Plant Patent was issued in 1931. Plant patents are valid for 20 years from the filing date.

Patents examined here cover:

Art Unit Technical & Scientific Domains
1710 Coating, Etching, Cleaning, Single Crystal Growth
1720 Fuel Cells, Batteries, Solar Cells, Liquid Crystal Composition
1730 Metallurgy, Metal Working, Inorganic Chemistry, Catalysts, Electrophotography, Photolithography
1740 Tires, Adhesive Bonding, Glass/Paper making, Plastics Shaping & Molding
1760 Organic Chemistry, Polymers, Compositions
1770 Chemical Apparatus, Separation and Purification, Liquid and Gas Contact Apparatus
1780 Miscellaneous Articles, Stock Material, Adhesive Composition, Fabrics
1790 Food, Analytical Chemistry, Sterilization, Biochemistry, Electrochemistry

Patents examined here cover:

Art Unit Technical & Scientific Domains
2110 Coating, Etching, Cleaning, Single Crystal Growth
2120 Miscellaneous Articles, Stock Material, Adhesive Composition, Fabrics
2130 Fuel Cells, Batteries, Solar Cells, Liquid Crystal Composition
2140/2170 Metallurgy, Metal Working, Inorganic Chemistry, Catalysts, Electrophotography, Photolithography
2150/2160 Tires, Adhesive Bonding, Glass/Paper making, Plastics Shaping & Molding
2180 Organic Chemistry, Polymers, Compositions
2190 Chemical Apparatus, Separation and Purification, Liquid and Gas Contact Apparatus

Patents examined here cover:

Art Unit Technical & Scientific Domains
2410/2460/2470 Multiplex, VoIP
2420 Cable and Television
2430/2490 Cryptography and Security
2440/2450 Computer Networks
2480 Recording and Compression

Patents examined here cover:

Art Unit Technical & Scientific Domains
2610 Computer Graphic Processing, 3D Animation, Display Color Attribute, Object Processing, Hardware and Memory
2620 Selective Visual Display Systems
2630 Digital and Optical Communications
2640 Telecommunications: Analog Radio Telephone; Satellite and Power Control; Transceivers, Measuring and Testing; Bluetooth; Receivers and Transmitters; Equipment Details
2650 Videophones and Telephonic Communications; Audio Signals; Digital Audio Data Processing; Linguistics, Speech Processing and Audio Compression
2660 Digital Cameras; Image Analysis; Applications; pattern Recognition; Color and Compression; Enhancement and Transformation
2670 Facsimile; Printer; Color; halftone; Scanner; Computer Graphic Processing; 3-D Animation; Display Color; Attributes; Object Processing; Hardware and Memory
2680 Telemetry and Code Generation; Vehicles and System Alarms; Selective Communication; Dynamic Storage Systems; Mechanical parts of Disk Drives; Signal Processing and Control Processing in Disk Drives
2690 Selective Visual Display Systems

More broadly TC 2800 Art Units cover Semiconductors/Memory, Circuits/Measuring and Testing, Optics/Photocopying, Printing/Measuring and Testing.

Patents examined here cover:

Art Unit Technical & Scientific Domains
2810/2820/2890 Semiconductors/Memory
2830/2840 Electrical Circuits and Systems
2850/2860 Printing/Measuring and Testing
2870/2880 Optics

About Design Patents

The design FOR an article. Not to the design OF an article.

Patents examined here cover Design patents cover the appearance of an article. The design for an article consists of the visual characteristics embodied in or applied to an article. Since a design is manifested in appearance, the subject matter of a design patent application may relate to the configuration or shape of an article, to the surface ornamentation applied to an article, or to the combination of configuration and surface ornamentation.

Design is inseparable from the article to which it is applied and cannot exist alone merely as a scheme of surface ornamentation. It must be a definite, preconceived thing, capable of reproduction and not merely the chance result of a method.

Design patent numbers begin with a "D" followed by a six digit number. The first Design Patent was issued in 1843. The term of a design patent is 15 years measured from the date of grant, if the design application was filed on or after May 13, 2015 (or 14 years if filed before May 13, 2015).

Patents examined here cover:

Art Unit Technical & Scientific Domains
3610 Surface Transportation
3620 Business Methods — Incentive Programs, Coupons; Operations Research; Electronic Shopping; Health Care; Point of Sale, Inventory, Accounting; Cost/Price, Reservations, Shipping and Transportation; Business Processing
3630 Static Structures, Supports and Furniture
3640 Aeronautics, Agriculture, Fishing, Trapping, Vermin Destroying, Plant and Animal Husbandry, Weaponry, Nuclear Systems, and License and Review
3650 Material and Article Handling
3660 Computerized Vehicle Controls and Navigation, Radio Wave, Optical and Acoustic Wave Communication, Robotics, and Nuclear Systems
3670 Wells, Earth Boring/Moving/Working, Excavating, Mining, Harvesters, Bridges, Roads, Petroleum, Closures, Connections, and Hardware
3680 Business Methods — Incentive Programs, Coupons; Electronic Shopping; Business Cryptography, Voting; Health Care; Point of Sale, Inventory, Accounting; Business Processing, Electronic Negotiation
3690 Business Methods — Finance/Banking/ Insurance

Patents examined here cover:

Art Unit Technical & Scientific Domains
3710 Amusement and Education Devices
3720 Manufacturing Devices and Processes, Machine Tools and Hand Tools
3730 Sheet Container Making, Package Making, Receptacles, Shoes, Apparel, and Tool Driving or Impacting
3740 Thermal and Combustion Technology, Motive and Fluid Power Systems
3750 Fluid Handling and Dispensing
3760 Refrigeration, Vaporization, Ventilation, and Combustion
3770 Medical & Surgical Instruments, Treatment Devices, Surgery and Surgical Supplies
3780 Body Treatment, Kinestherapy, and Exercising

Patents examined here cover:

Art Unit Technical & Scientific Domains
3970 Express Abandonments
3990 Central Reexamination Unit

FedInvent Patents

Each week FedInvent analyzes newly granted patents and published patent applications whose origins lead back to funding from the US federal government. We assemble a weekly patent catalog and analyze the inventions, the inventors, and the entities who received the patents. We map the patents back to the agency that funded the R&D that led to the new invention. FedInvent uses the funding opportunity descriptions, the grants, and the contracts that define the research areas of interest, and the R&D policies and priorities of that drove and are driving the funding to organize each week's patents.


The weekly patent catalog includes patents with government interest statements indicating federal funding; and patents where the assignee, the owner of the invention, is the federal government. This includes work on federal grants, work on federal contracts, innovation by Federal Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) funded by Federal Departments and University Affiliated Research Centers funded by DoD.

Not every inventor is a government contractor. There are many inventions conceived and patented by scientists and engineers working for the federal government or serving in the military.


The numbers in the tables presented on this page will not add up to the number of patents granted each week because patents are counted by each agency that funded the creation of the invention. Patents and funding have a many-to-many relationship. One patent may have more than one funding grant or contract associated with it. A grant or contract may lead to more than one patent. More than one agency may have funded the inventors or the contract. More than one university or business may have worked together on an invention. When we report the numbers here, we associate a patent with all of the entities and funding that are reflected on the patent and report them to you. This approach presents a more complete picture of what's going on in the federal innovation ecosphere. Put another way, the numbers in the tables presented on this page may not always add up to the number of patents each week because patents are counted by each agency that funded the creation of the invention.

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